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Billing, Insurance, and Policies

Medical Health Associates of Western New York, PLLC

Financial Policy

Thank you for choosing our medical office as your child’s medical home. We are committed to providing and maintaining the best possible care for our patients and your family.

The affiliated offices of Medical Health Associates provide equal access to all its patients regardless of source of payment. Your review of our office financial policy in advance allows for effective communication and enables us to provide the highest quality service to your family. Each time you arrive at one of our offices, we will ask to confirm your current insurance, address and contact information. Keeping your file updated keeps the lines of communication open in case we need to reach you regarding your child’s health or your account.

At the time of each appointment, please provide your insurance card, current residential address and copayment/coinsurance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our billing office at 716-639-0155 Monday through Friday 8:00 am through 4:30 pm.

Medical Health Associates of Western New York, PLLC

Vaccine Policy

One of the most important services we can provide to our patients is to give vaccinations against life threatening diseases.  We strongly agree with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that childhood vaccines are critical to maintaining healthy children and communities. As medical professionals, we feel that vaccinating children following the recommended schedule with currently available vaccines is absolutely the right thing to do for all children and young adults.

  • We firmly believe in the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent serious illness and save lives.
  • We firmly believe in the safety of our vaccines.
  • We firmly believe that all children and young adults should receive all of the recommended vaccines according to the AAP and the CDC.
  • We firmly believe, based on all available literature, evidence, and current studies, that vaccines do not cause autism or other developmental disabilities.
  • We firmly believe that vaccinating children and young adults may be the single most important health-promoting intervention we perform as healthcare providers, and that you can perform as parents/caregivers.

Our policy is that:

  • We adhere to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Immunization Guidelines.
  • Because we are committed to protecting the health of your children, we require all of our patients to be vaccinated.
  • Any parent who refuses to adhere to the AAP recommended vaccine schedule may be discharged from our practice following a 30-day written notice.
  • If you refuse to vaccinate your child despite all our efforts, we will ask you to find another healthcare provider who shares your views. Please recognize that by not vaccinating you are putting your child and others around you at unnecessary risk for life threatening illness and disability and even death.
  • We understand that the choice to vaccinate may be a very emotional decision for some parents. We will do everything we can to educate you that vaccinating according to the recommend schedule is the best thing you can do for your child. If you have doubts, please talk with your child’s pediatrician.

Have Any Vaccine Related Questions?

Medical Health Associates of Western New York, PLLC (MHA)

Privacy Notice

IMPORTANT: Please review the Privacy Notice.  The notice describes how your medical information may be used and disclosed. The notice also provides information on how you can access your information.

Medical Health Associates of Western New York (MHA) has made a commitment to maintain the privacy of certain confidential health care information about you, known as Protected Health Information or PHI. We are required by law to protect your health care information and to provide you with this Notice of Privacy Practices.

The Notice outlines our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your PHI.  It not only describes our privacy practices and your legal rights, but lets you know, among other things, how MHA is permitted to use and disclose PHI about you, how you can access and copy that information, how you may request amendment of that information, and how you may request restrictions on our use and disclosure of your PHI.

MHA is also required to abide by the terms of the version of this Notice currently in effect. In most situations we may use this information as described in this Notice without your permission, but there are some situations where we may use it only after we obtain your written authorization, if we are required by law to do so.

We respect your privacy and treat all health care information about our patients with care under strict policies of confidentiality. The staff of MHA are committed to following at all times.